… PNC Dinosaurs
It was, this week, another birthday than NCM Dec. 21 that was a testament to the PNC’s emancipation – the 18th anniversary of the death of former President and PNC leader Desmond Hoyte on December 22, 2002 The former was received with deadly silence by the PNC, while the latter brought David Granger out of his (latest) long hibernation to Seven Ponds, where Hoyte is buried.
Rather than say as it is on Hoyte’s life, Granger – as does his wont – used the occasion to justify his unlawful holding on PNC leadership as sacred. In trying to justify his literal “helicopter” to Robert Corbin’s post, Granger claimed that the latter followed Burnham who had brought Hoyte in as a new face.
“Forbes Burnham saw the need for change after the first term of office ended with the 1968 General Elections and Guyana ready to embark on a course to become a republic. Most ministers changed the original faction. ”
This is, of course, a complete cry. Hoyte was brought into the Election Commission in 1967 to oversee the rigging of the 1968 elections! And Burnham dropped most of the former Ministers since he wanted veterans like Carter and Kendall, with sequels, out of the way – and the US Ministers had resigned in protest anyway!
The next piece of Granger’s self-serving review was to claim that “change” caused Burnham to choose Hoyte as Prime Minister after Reid left in 1984. Really? Not a “change”, but a fear that his supposed successor Hamilton Green has grown too big for his fridges !!
But unlike Corbin, who drew Granger from oblivion outside the party hierarchy, Hoyte held – as Granger even admitted – a large number of portfolios in Government between 1968 and 1984. But what Granger didn’t say was that after Hoyte even rigged the 1985 elections. more than Burnham, he clearly passed over Granger to be commander of the army! Instead, he chose Granger’s younger Joe Singh – and of low Guyana National Service to boot !! The shame !! Hoyte did not just Burnett’s jettison failure socialism, but also all Burnhamites – of which Granger was a card-carrying member – throughout Government and the state.
In his discovery, Granger was adamant: “Change in politics is as essential as it is to life. Those who don’t change become dinosaurs, irrelevant and eventually disappear. Change in politics is just as necessary as it is in life. If we do not adapt to new circumstances, new challenges and new responsibilities, we cannot survive, overcome much less. ”
Yet Granger refused to change the PNC leaders’ compulsion to rig and treat their party as their personal fiefdom.
As a dinosaur, he must go!

… In Public Infrastructure
Surely, dear reader, you know the old thing about “news”: “if a dog bites a man, that’s not news, but if a MAN bites a dog, that’s news THAT, baby! ” Well, the report that Minister for Public Infrastructure Juan Edghill has forced the Chinese contractor to agree to spend an additional US $ 9 million to get some of what was originally contracted for in the CJIA has been BIG NEWS !!
Compare this to the PNC and their Public Infrastructure man James Patterson, who sounded that the Contractor wouldn’t listen to him – even as they spent an additional US $ 12M over the US $ 138M, the PPP contracted to spend it 2011. When the PPP returned to the saddle in August, Edhill not only read the Terrorist Act to the Contractor – but personally President Ali took a trip to the airport and drew a line in the sand.
And as we shall see … the contractor had to fall to his line. Why?
The PPP had not received “something” under the table!

… A COVID-19
Even if we hadn’t done basic biology in high school, we should know that viruses are rolling out, as we are told every year there is a “new strain” on the flu virus.
So expect more mutations than the new strain in Britain.

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