… About Guyanese morality
Your Eyewitness believes that Guyanese people have to draw a line in the sand on this “gifted” scandal. This should not be the result of party loyalty. If it is, we might as well pack our bags and return to that state where life was “nasty, cruel and short”. Let’s unpack this mess once more, because by sticking to Patterson’s flip-flop defense, Joseph Harmon, the Leader of the Opposition (the LOO, as the PNC would say!) Says coalition supporters really want to go that route. Your Eyewitness does not believe it.
Patterson at first denied completely and emphatically that he had received the half-million dollar gold bracelet. Then, after he had shown definitive proof that he had actually received it for his birthday, he then threw one of his staff under the bus. He said he doesn’t deal with financial issues !! And this is what your Eyewitness wants our LOO, Mr Harmon, to deal with right away. Whatever the PPP might have done in the past, present or future on accepting donations, does it condone the former Minister of his Government who lies to the Guyanese people ??
In our long journey of the “nasty, cruel and short” life in the state of nature, we devised mechanisms of government so that we could get on with our lives and sleep at night, because we could trust those we care about. put in charge to do the right thing. And these are the Government, led by the President, and the “Loyal” Opposition (the LO), led by the LOO. The LO is the government in waiting, because, for example, with the passing of a No Confidence Motion (NCM) only, the Government can collapse. As such, the LOO must hold itself and the rest of its party to the highest standards of morality and probity.
The LOO must ask itself, “Do all my LO members expect me to be there to tell them that receiving a five hundred thousand dollar bracelet – bought by taxpayers’ money – is a betrayal of the people’s money. trust “? Wasn’t the LOO itself caught in a similar fix when it circulated a photo of it being shipped around China by private jet some time ago?
At that time, Raphael Trotman, co-leader of Patterson’s party, admitted, “Let’s be real, of course, they say pictures say a thousand words … there are levels of comfort and discomfort, and I am i think the picture is on its own. a very uncomfortable one to look at. ”Doesn’t the LOO feel even a smidgen of discomfort when seeing pictures of Patterson with the bling on his wrist after three times denying receiving it?
Patterson must go!
… From PNC City Hall
The people who live in, or have to enter, Georgetown gotta echo Henry II and scream, “Will anyone save us from this troublesome Mayor?” After more than two decades suffering with PNC-Mayor and City Councils, aren’t the citizens of our “Garden City” who once demanded some form of accountability and performance?
The new Local Government Minister is asking whether there should be a “forensic examination” of City Hall funding. This funding comes from rates and taxes paid by city residents. Out of their pockets !! Don’t they want to know where those dollars are going? They know for sure that it’s not going to provide services for them !! Don’t they want to know how so many PNC immigrants in City Hall became so richly dirty in the last five years alone?
Do they remember the Big One who bought that $ 30 million house in Happy Acres? He is definitely living happily right now.
Does it have to be “never left”?
… In Guyana
Maduro really takes his eyes to pass us Guyanese. Not only has he seized our fishermen and their boats while they were in our waters, he is now holding them in prison after a mock “trial”.
We should expel Venezuelan Ambassador!