Eye-witness: The farce… | INews Guyana

… From the Venezuelan controversy

Now don’t get your Eyewitness wrong. He doesn’t think that Maduro’s saber rushing from Caracas is a funny “ha ha”. The farce that follows the “tragedy” Marx warned of. A man who insists on holding power when five million of his citizens have fled as beggars to neighboring countries should not laugh – but frighten. The former bus driver proves that he is not led by reason – but passions of the basic type. The kind of passion that motivates demented dictators who are convinced they have the key to Utopia. And by golly, they don’t mind if everyone has to die as they “prove” their point! Older people remember Burnham and his “co-operative socialism” panacea, don’t you?

Maduro has fighter jets and tanks and troops with officers at galore who are now the elite of the forces supporting Maduro. After all, they were asked to run almost every establishment – including the sputtering oil industry. They live high off the pig, emptied as possibly the latter !! So yes, we have to take Maduro’s megalomaniac sounding threats seriously. Now, your Eyewitness knows that the US has a naval ship that patrols our waters. But please note that Maduro’s seizure of our two fishing boats and their crew was made while that ship from the United States was still here! His action so much is thumbing his nose at the Americans as to threaten us. And it has that fifth potential columnist flowing into Reg 1.

Don’t forget that the EU has just overturned its acceptance of Maduro’s bête noir, US / Trump-backed Guaidó, as Venezuela’s deserving President. Maduro would have been greatly encouraged by this move – which coincided with Biden’s rise to the American Presidency after the disgraceful Trump’s expulsion. It must count, with all the challenges, that Biden will face domestically – COVID-19, a sluggish economy, high unemployment and a raging right-wing uprising – he will not want to embark on an overseas expedition.

But he chooses to ignore that one way in which Biden can stage the restorative right that received 74 million votes – would be to follow JFK’s lead in the sixties and show that he is tough on “commissions”! At that time Guyana was on the “receiving end” while Venezuela was at the “end”! As the world turns, so too do the tables!

But the farce is that Venezuela based its border threat on the claims of an angry lawyer for the 1899 Arbitration Commission, Prevost-Mallet who claimed that there was a “deal” between the UK and Russian arbitrators to “fix” the border in favor of the United Kingdom. His claim was published fifty years after the Award and after his death!
And most importantly, after all the arbitrators died. What a farce!

… Opposing gas power to shore

Now, there is nothing wrong with citizens scrutinizing the actions of their governments. But shouldn’t there be some rhyme and reason for scrutiny – beyond selling newspapers and feeding egos? Now obviously there are some meaningful turf out there that has an ideological grouse against fossil fuels for its adverse impact on Climate Change.

But your Eyewitness is a firm believer in the grand design of things, since that change was sparked during the Industrial Revolution for 250 years – and we got NOTHING from the resultant development, we should think for number 1 for once – us! Let’s just say, as fossil fuels are slowly starting to come to an end, that’s exactly what developed countries NOW are doing !!

But isn’t this one conversation class that opposed the Amalia Falls Hydro Electric Project about a decade ago – along with the APNU and AFC? Did DID manage to derail it? You can’t win with them!
Once the EPA transmits the gas project ashore … full steam ahead!

… On Henry’s murders
Your Eyewitness understands the grief of the Henry family – and so does the Singh family, all from West Berbice. But why protest the accusations against the three arrested?
They have anti evidence?
