Dear Editor,
In 1965, they saw themselves bombing Ankoka Island, an area owned by Guyana. On that island at the time was Oliver Hinckson Pereira (GDF). Also there at the time of the attack was my younger brother, Keith Robin Williams. There was some dialogue relevant to that attack and I have been taught at school that my Guyana has 83,000 square miles. I feel like Venezuela is ‘tying up’ my government and its inhabitants and they have once again begun their attack and, at the time of writing, they have kidnapped two boats and the fishermen stationed on those trades.
I’m 80 years old (born January 20th, 1941) and I’m ready to don my costume – pick up my gear to protect my country and its population. What Maduro doesn’t realize is that in Guyana we are ‘One People’ in the current crisis and we will forget our political differences in defending our country. Personally, I will at this moment stand and defend my country and its government as we seek justice. Venezuela, ‘Not a blade of grass’ you will not pass.
Yours faithfully,
Murtland Williams