Dear Editor,
The APNU / AFC thinks ridiculous that, with the Biden Administration installment, there will be an ouster from the PPP / C Government from his post. It is a widely circulated nonsense that has gripped the Opposition forces by storm that they are literally praying for that day to come when they are put back in office.
This latest fantasy took hold of them after they realized that their attempt to regain power through the rigging route had failed shamefully, though an election petition was pending. However, false imagery still exists that somehow things can work out for them.
Now, having said that, there are few questions I would like to ask before that dreamy world of ours disintegrates. In the first place, if America rarely considers their application then it logically means that they would have to reverse all election results and approve rigging as a solution to the electoral process. It means that the number of votes cast in favor of the winner – Biden in this case – would have to be thrown and a victory attributed to Trump, exactly the theory that the PNC has embarked on here in Guyana. Granger, like his compatriot Trump, is living a delusional dream that he won the election when he clearly lost. So, in that dreamlike world, he looks in every way where he can achieve victory for himself. Sorry, but that’s not going to happen!
Trump was even more dramatic about it, that he demanded the Governor of Georgia come up with 11,400 votes so he could rig his way through. When that didn’t work, he attacked Capitol Hill violently. The situation in Guyana was a carbon copy of Trump’s madness, where Mingo began his attack on the figures followed by Lowenfield, if this isn’t living in a virtual world of rigging then tell me what is? This is the logic of the PNC that has enlivened them so far and the strategy they want us to accept.
So, if America wants to buy into that folly it means that the entire democratic process as it relates to elections has to be done away with rigging becoming the order of the day. The US would shoot itself in the foot if that rigging nonsense succeeded. I’m saying that’s not going to happen, so it’s worth pointing around with the idea.

Neil Adams

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