1,500 house lots for distribution in Region Three – Guyana Newsroom

More than 1, 500 people will get housing lots in Region Three over the next two days and over $ 5B will be set aside in next year’s budget to expand existing schemes in the region and develop new ones, the Minister for Housing and Collin Croal Water Tuesday morning.

The house lots are distributed at Leonora Track and Field Center. Only those awarded house lots in this round have been called to attend the event.

Croal blasted the People / Civic Progressive Party (PPP / C) plan to provide 50,000 housing lots within five years and said this is only a start as the administration has only been in power for four months.

In this year’s budget, about $ 3B was allocated to prepare lands for the allocations being made nationwide.

Minister at the Ministry of Housing and Water, Susan Rodrigues, boasted that the PPP had been able to allocate as many housing lots in just a few months as had been distributed under the entire five years of the previous government.

He said that with the new housing campaign, the backlog of thousands of applications will be cleared

Acquiring a house lot is a daunting challenge and thousands have waited for years to get the life-changing call that they are getting a lot.

Minister Croal said his Ministry’s intention is to make the process quick and easy over time.

Further, with the elimination of VAT on building materials and other measures to reduce the cost of construction, Croal said the government’s mission is to make sure everyone can afford to build where they can call it home.
