Home News Berbice man hospitalized after losing motorcycle control
A 26-year-old man from No. 73 Village, Corentyne, is now in hospital after losing control of his motorcycle and colliding with a hire car on Springlands Public Road, Berbice.
The accident happened on Friday around 22:05 h. The car, driven by a 33-year-old driver from Village 79 Village, Corriverton, Corentyne, Berbice, was heading south along the eastbound lane when the driver allegedly gave him his left indicator and was in the process of stopped his vehicle to pick up a passenger on the eastbound footpath. The driver stated that the motorcyclist was moving at the back of the hire car at a high rate of speed and was in the process of overtaking when he lost control and collided into the right rear part of the car.
As a result of the collision, the motorcyclist collapsed on the road surface where he sustained injuries to his body. He was picked up by people of public spirit and taken to Skeldon Public Hospital where he was admitted as a patient at the A&E unit with head injuries and bruises to his body.
Meanwhile, the 33-year-old driver was arrested and placed in Police custody and the car and motorcycle were delivered while the investigation continued. (G9)