Citizen engagement on the political front is now taking place with encouraging alacrity and confidence, with the government meeting the small parties in a stunning extension to consult Guyanese on the forthcoming national budget. It is instructive that this political collaboration revolves around the People’s / Civic Progressive Party (PPP / C), with every political front being invited to sit at the table with the government. The PPP / C has shown a powerful penchant for partnerships, participation and political cooperation, setting a great example for how the rest of society should perform the task of nation-building. This spirit of cooperation and outreach and engagement with society is one that all Guyanese, as leaders of the small parties, would do well to nurture and emulate. On the verge of reaching its glorious potential in its 55th year as an independent nation, Guyana is today marching with confident, determined steps to take its well-deserved place in the world, with economic development set to multiply exponentially with leaps and bounds over the next few years . Every hand of government on deck prepares the country for this upward direction, this rapid rise to progress and prosperity, every member of the talented thinking leadership leadership team committed to the task under attention. Society is a complex structure, and thus parallel to economic development, the country would also want to focus on other key areas, such as, for example, human resource development, social programs and safety nets for the vulnerable damage and on the periphery – which is really this government. excel in a complex modern world-class nation, and other intangible necessities.
While government cannot be expected to do everything for the benefit of society, the big issues like guiding the economy, overseeing the social buffer for citizens, and protecting the democratic fabric require government leadership. However, Guyanese citizens have an important role to play in Guyana’s overall progress. One area where citizens could make a real difference is organizing and managing the humanities sector, that aspect of society where human culture, entertainment and excellence exists, including scouting and nurturing talented, potential people who could become national and international stars , and where it thrives. the softer side of Guyanese soul. The concept of the body politic embodies the idea of what a state is. There is the physical nation, which requires constant socio-economic development, maintenance and growth. But there is also the emotional side of the nation, with things like Guyanese character, soul and spirit. These internal aspects of a Guyanese nation-state that all Guyanese should care about, and make whatever effort possible to make a difference.
The education system is responsible for developing this aspect of the nation, the humanities, just as it nurtures scientists and technicians and tradesmen and craft and skills persons; but the humanities is a particularly unique endeavor, because the sector includes artistic expression and intellectual activities, such as producing poets, writers, artists, sculptors, musicians. playwrights, movement makers and citizens who know how to awaken an aesthetic appreciation for life as a Guyanese people, and thinkers and originators of new ideas for society.
Guyana would want to develop a national atmosphere where these ambassadors of the nation would be scourged, nurtured and grown, and released onto the world as home icons, role models and heroes. The University of Guyana and the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport facilitate and foster such a base for society. However, citizens could play their role on the stage of this inner development of Guyana, with the humanities driving a creative, organic, living field that touches every corner of the land. At one point, drama flourished, with regular plays and performances at the National Cultural Center and the Theater Guild. Indeed, he developed household names on that platform, stars that brought a sense of achievement and satisfaction to their fellow citizens. Places like the National Park as a natural setting for family outings and gatherings, and the famous national museum and library and that famous evening and weekend gathering, these could all be nurtured as expressions of life artistic, creative national, driven by Guyana talent. Classical musicians would come together to form a national orchestra that renames citizens on various occasions and places across the country, including steel pan players and other creative souls, bringing such a welcoming sound to the national ear.
The country should do all it can to revive and enhance and develop the Guyana Literature Prize as a signed international event, and to celebrate, perhaps in the boulevard of the Hall of Fame or Walk of Fame, the brilliant, skilled Guyanese who have accompanied it ‘ r the earth – such as, for example, Shakira Baksh.
These are the best things in life that make a nation, make citizens feel the heartbeat of this Guyaneseness in their souls, and wake up every day to tackle the task of living in this land of peace, prosperity and progress. Georgetown’s role in nurturing this face of Guyana, as a nation of creativity and originality and playful humanities endeavors, covered this Editorial column in yesterday’s edition. But how wonderful if this kind of goodwill, this intangible asset, this soulful side of the nation, could be spread around the country, into every town – Anna Regina and New Amsterdam, Linden and Lethem, Bartica and Corriverton, and extended to the hinterland. communities. Over the years, people like Neaz Subhan, Ron Robinson and Richard Naraine have played such a role in society, developing strong humanitarian activities. In fact, Guyana is home to a range of writers, artists, sculptors, playwrights and creative people who became household names. As the country moves into this era of prosperity and progress, with such rapid socio-economic development taking place, it would be good for citizens to participate in a national humanities sector, and even see it become a regional undertaking throughout the Caribbean, and even going international. , perhaps connecting with diaspora communities around the world. The country has achieved a huge development, with political parties joining hands and heads and hearts to work together for socio-economic progress. Therefore, all Guyanese would do well to come together to build a flourishing humanities sector, to embody a creative, soul-satisfying spirit to the land.