MORE than a month after she admitted stealing several electronic devices from Unicomer and damaging the cashier’s register at another store, Onikca Matthews was sentenced Friday to six months imprisonment by Magistrate Leron Daly.
Matthews made her first appearance at Georgetown Magistrates Court on Dec. 11, 2020, and had pleaded guilty to two charges – property damage and simple larch. He was then remanded in custody by Magistrate Daly and the case was adjourned on Friday for sentencing.
She admitted, on October 27, 2020, at Lot 25 – 26 Main Street, Georgetown, that she stole one Samsung Galaxy S10 mobile phone worth $ 192, 999, one Samsung Galaxy A80 mobile phone worth $ 157,999 and one tablet worth $ 17,999, Unicomer property .
According to the facts, the woman entered Unicomer and after browsing items in the store, proceeded to the bathroom and locked herself inside. At approximately 20:00 hours, when the store had already closed, Matthews made his way to the shop front where the items mentioned in the charge were located and moved.
After executing the act, he went to the exit and called out the security guard. Security informed that she was staff at the store and that she had been locked. The guard informed a member of staff who was inside the building. The door was unlocked and Matthews was allowed to leave.
The next day, while making checks at the store, staff observed the items mentioned in the missing charge. Looking at the camera shots, Matthews was seen taking the items. As a result, she was arrested. It was found in possession of a Samsung Galaxy S10 mobile phone. Subsequently, on November 7, 2020, Matthews illegally and maliciously damaged one cashier’s register worth $ 10,000 at the American Homes and Beauty Center, Essam Ajouri property.
According to the facts, on the day in question, Matthews entered the store located at Lot 72 Robb and Wellington Streets. During her visit, Matthews browsed the store’s items. He then proceeded to the storage bond area and hid himself until the store was closed. At about 19:00 hours, he emerged from the store bond and proceeded to the cosmetics section of the store.
Matthews removed articles and made his way to the damaged cashier register. Then went on to the wig section and moved more items. Later, Matthews removes a white T-shirt from a fannequin. He then placed the articles he had taken in a black plastic bag and took a receipt from the registration board, clipping it onto the bag.
Then he placed himself in an area and started calling out. A viewer from the other store heard her calls and went to see who it was. She informed the viewer that she was a member of staff and that she was locked in the shop while she was in the bathroom. Upon hearing the information he provided, the viewer contacted the store manager and conveyed the event.
When the manager arrived, he noticed that Matthews was not one of his staff. The manager went on to ask a woman to check on Matthews. During the check, the manager noticed that the articles in the plastic bag did not match the articles on the receipt. In that regard, the manager took possession of the articles that were in the bag and handed Matthews over to the police.
The next day, the manager looked at the camera shots and noticed that the items found in Matthews’ possession had been taken from the store. Matthews was arrested and told of the allegation she confessed to. She was taken into custody and charged with the offense.