It will be a strategic disaster for the President and the AG – Kaieteur News

It will be a strategic disaster for the President and the AG

Kaieteur News – I refuse to believe that the President and the Attorney General could be so politically naïve as to not understand essential aspects of realpolitik. In politics, it is important that a leader stays ahead of his conspirators. He or she must do so or he / she will produce profound leadership challenges.
Cheddi Jagan was always behind Burnham and Burnham kept him out. Every time Burnham was in trouble, he used the Jagan card that Jagan allowed him to do. Boris Johnson literally brought down Prime Minister Theresa May, because he was always one step ahead of her, knowing full well that the Conservative Party wanted a strict EU withdrawal agreement.
The Democratic Party defeated Trump, which still cannot improve today. Trump believed that Democrats were going for a radical candidate like Elizabeth Warren and he, Trump would have used the spirit of socialism to win. Trump had no idea the Dems would have chosen a middle of the road politician – Joe Biden.
The Dems defeated Trump again by choosing a Black woman as Vice President. The Dems knew that two white candidates will split the white votes equally between Trump and Biden but a black-running friend will bring Black America out in huge numbers, something that didn’t happen to Hilary Clinton. Biden won some close contests because of the large turnout of Black in some provinces.
Now here is what Lenin once wrote which has become one of the PPP’s anthems because Cheddi Jagan has been quoted millions of times for his protégés. One of them – Gail Teixeira – is still around and in the leadership of the PPP. Lenin realized that to take two steps forward you have to “take one step back.”
The step back that the PPP must take is to inform the leader of the House not to put the new version of the Carrington Bill on the Command Paper. The Carrington measure was the amendment to the anti-narcotic legislation drafted in 2016 by Nigel Hughes, accepted by AG Basil Williams, which was placed on the Command Paper for reading in the name of AFC senator Michael Carrington. It increased the legal amount of possession, eliminated mandatory imprisonment on conviction if the possession was a small amount, and allowed bail in human trafficking cases. The Bill never went live. He died long before his sponsor, the AFC died.
Now the AFC is bringing the Bill back, this time in the name of Sherod Duncan, which is the AFC version of the PNC’s James Bond. In Guyanese politics the most delightful manifestations become normal. For five years, the AFC was part of the government and one of its main men, the Prime Minister was the Leader of the House. The AFC killed its own Bill.
The AFC is out of force and the AFC is bringing the amendment back as a Private Member’s Bill. It is based on the PPP’s pledge when it was in opposition that it would have voted for the Carrington Bill. That’s the thought of an assassin. The President and the Attorney General should rip Sherod Duncan’s amendment and compose their own.
Even a schoolboy who cannot spell the word parliament would know that it is a complete absurdity for the PPP government to approve the Duncan Bill. Reason is fundamental to the politics of pragmatism. He gives rebirth medicine to a dead party.
The AFC admitted through a published letter in this newspaper from its chairman, Raphael Trotman, that between 1966 and 1992 and from 2015 to 2020, the PNC served its constituencies in Africa to exclude other ethnic communities and the PPP did the same between 1992 and 2015. It was an admission that the AFC in government was not a reshaping factor in the life of this country. For more information on Trotman’s confession, see my column on Monday, December 14, 2020, “Raphael Trotman’s sick confession / confession.”
The AFC is going to march itself around the country telling the young people what it did for them. What would be hidden in this masquerade is the AFC’s five-year-old opportunism when it refused to pass the amendment. My advice to the PPP is to tear up the Duncan Bill, put it in the dustbin and ask Assembly Clerk Sherlock Issacs to summon Braran Puran Disposal to take the stuff to the dump site in Bosch Haags. The Attorney General should compose his own amendment and use his majority in the House to pass it. Then he should emulate Trinidad. In legalizing marijuana, Trinidad released the convicted of small sums and expelled their record of conviction.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper.)
