Numerous complaints of theft and other crimes in the Kaneville community, on the east bank of Demerara, have pushed the government to intervene and offer technical and vocational training programs to the youths.
In an effort to keep Kaneville’s youth engaged and employed, the Guyana Ministry of Labor and Police will soon begin several training programs to provide direct employment to the youths.
All programs are free of charge and include mechanical and electrical engineering, welding and fabrication, as well as cake decorating and catering and agro-processing, among others.
In order to get certified, Labor Minister Joseph Hamilton said during a visit to the community on Wednesday that the Industrial Training Board (BIT) is tasked with implementing, evaluating and monitoring the programs.
The minister explained that trainees will be paid throughout the program and may also be part of more than one program. Programs will also be available during the day as well as at night.

In addition, information and technology programs will also be added to the list of programs. Hamilton said he hopes the young people take the opportunity.
Residents now have to recommend trainers from the community and also identify a place for the training.
“I wouldn’t want to bring someone from Georgetown to do training in Kaneville, once you have someone in the community and its environment – Diamond, Grove- who can be a trainer, we ask the Council Chairman and the CDC recommend that person to us, ”the minister explained.
According to Minister Hamilton, this initiative will extend to communities throughout Guyana and will also cater for retired people.
“When we talk about training all the time, we only train young people and although we will continue to train young people, I think we have to put training programs in place for retirement.
“A woman aged 55 or a man aged 55 who is retiring and still strong and healthy, they are mature and have experience, they can give it to the community of Minister Hamilton said.
Wednesday’s meeting was also attended by BIT CEO Richard Maughn; Senior Technical Officer, Rondell Jordan; Division Four ‘B’ Commander, Senior Superintendent of the Linden Islands; and Community Neighborhood Democratic Council Chair Geta Ramnarine.