President Biden should pull Trump’s knee off Cuba’s throat!
President Biden has had a very busy first week in office. In that time, he has been facing the immediate task facing us around the world, ie the COVID-19 virus. He has given hope that he is following sound scientific and technical advice on this score. Unlike President Trump who did not have the appreciation of the dangers.
He has been dealing with other issues that have had a negative impact on the US and are doing so boldly. Private prison fiasco, the nuclear deal with Russia, among others.
However, the Trump administration did another major injustice in our region, that is, repositioning the blockade against the Cuban people and government. This has caused great hardship on the most vulnerable in the Republic of that island. It really needs to be treated and reversed immediately!
It is one of the most unjust and, to me, very immoral acts.
Little Cuba, with limited resources, has done more for the poor of the world than many of the large, well-resourced developed countries.
It bombs no country. He has gone nowhere to instigate violence or overthrow any democratically elected governments. It is an enemy of international terrorism and has always sided with the oppressed in the world.
What distinguishes Cuba and Cubans is the willingness of its professionals to be at the forefront of the fight against natural disasters, diseases and other humanitarian causes.
Their doctors could be found the epicenter of events whenever they explode. The fights against, AIDS, Ebola and now COVID-19, Cuban doctors are on the front line. When a natural disaster strikes anywhere in the world, Cubans are the first to volunteer real aid.
Cuban teachers have helped educate people in many Third World Countries, Nicaragua, etc.
Cuba’s experts can be found among the poorest in Latin America, Africa and wherever else they are needed. In many places they have gone, they were the first doctors / teachers ever seen.
Cuba gives poor countries the opportunity to build their human capital. Thousands of students are given the opportunity to study in that country without costs. Guyana and the Caribbean have greatly benefited from the sacrifices of Cuba. We have successfully built a competent core of solid professionals.
History has scarcely seen such generosity and genuine selfless support for humanity, of a country devastated by economic impediment.
President Biden would do one of his most humanitarian acts if he lifted the measures that his predecessor placed on Cuba, immediately he would take Trump’s knee from Cuba’s throat!
This would be a good act not only for Cuba but for our Region as a whole.
The Cuban people deserve nothing less!
Donald Ramotar