Time for new and younger leadership at PNC

Dear Editor,

Immediately after the tumultuous and turbulent five months when APNU + AFC members employed an aggressive campaign to remain in office through rigid elections, the former Minister for Public Health and Chair of the National People’s Congress (PNC), Volda Lawrence marginalized from the party’s main decision-making process. Throughout the five month period, Lawrence and a few other PNC members at the front battled tooth and nail to make sure the votes were counted accurately and transparently. Most of the senior members of the party were missing in action. So the party leader’s exclusion of the party chief executive is clearly a reflection of his infantile and silly behavior. And to the surprise of many, not one member of the 35-member PNC executive group issued a public statement condemning its horrific, vengeful and ruthless act. To add insult to injury, for no justifiable reason, the leader suspended one of the PNC’s nails from Parliament and chose his deputy to replace him. It was a horrific decision, which, if not corrected urgently, could lead to the demise of the party, which is in the throes of being permanently broken.

The reason why no executive member condemned his action was precisely because most of them feared revenge from the leader who demanded complete loyalty from PNC executives. Loyalty to the party leader has been a fundamental principle of a party, but that was more than 60 years ago when the party was founded. Today the PNC has evolved and should make room for independent thinkers, but it has not. It remains a rule that those who had opposed the leader would face strong disciplinary action with the possibility of permanent expulsion from the party. This is, and remains, the absolute carte-blanche or power that PNC leaders have conquered over the decades. The executive must remain loyal to the leader or face the consequences. It’s the conductor’s way or the highway. At an earlier stage, Vanessa Kissoon and Sharma Solomon were treated similarly and as Mrs. Lawrence is the PNC’s most popular leader today, and yet the executives have remained silent. Such an undemocratic and dictatorial approach is absurd, offensive and outdated and must change if the PNC is to win elections long after its leaders are over.

Several members of the ten PNC groups in the US Tri-State region must follow the leader’s directive to draw the party line and pledge their allegiance to it, if not, they too will be disappointed by the party and ‘ u appropriate groups in the diaspora. At the turn of the century, the PNC leadership established an umbrella organization called the North American Region (NAR) and its primary role is to ensure that its PNC group members abide by the rules. NAR is supposed to be a neutral organization which means it should not support any candidate for the leadership within the party, but it did on several occasions. His actions have led to major disagreements with many of his member groups in exile in New York to the extent that many have revoked their membership of NAR and are operating independently. Today, NAR has become redundant and is a complete failure.

Contrary to the belief of many in the PNC, the party remains divided into two factions – the Volda Lawrence faction and the David Granger faction. To bring the cohorts to a standstill, the current leaders in their 70s must be ready to pass the baton to younger, enlightened, compassionate, selfless and talented leaders like Vanessa Kissoon, Sharma Solomon and Thandi McAllister and others with Mrs. Volda Lawrence takes the lead in challenging the government on all issues. Time for new and younger leadership in the PNC.


Asquith Rose
